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posted by Hweetin & i just realised that my 60 bucks dress went missing! & i wore it for once only. damn! live the life one's want.
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omella's birthday celebration yesterday had been great. (:
cabbed to causeway point to get my slipper and then cabbed to bugis to get omella's birthday present. but, sadden, it wasn't the one she once said she wanted. out of stock i guess. ):
brought some food and cabbed to omella's house. ntn got there early to help out. i was seriously frighten of her baby but eventually gets better after so rounds of chasing. haha.
got the fire started and we girls started bbq-ing while the boys played first. they wanted to help, but we rejected. haha. it's fun bbq-ing.
food! after some time, all was hungry, everything got eaten up fast. after that, all was busy playing poker cards and the playground. too full for more food.
decided to stay all the way till midnight to celebrate omella's birthday with her. (: at around 10 plus 11, all headed to her house. boys continued with their cards game and watched their soccer match while we girls stayed in the room, looking at pass few events photos and laughing at it. (:
after second half of the match, houwen and friends went off. left a few guys in the hall while we girls had our girls talk.
~maybe it's too late.
all of a sudden, pj's phone alarm rang. omella went to turn it off telling pj that her phone rang. leona, pj, meilin and i went forward and hugged her. it was a reminder for omella's birthday. it was midnight! she's finally 16! hahaha. sang her birthday song and started our photo shooting. (:
jem and wensheng came after that. we all stayed till the boys went to call us before we decided to go off. had fun, so much fun. (: cabbed home after that with the girls.
lastly, happy birthday omella once again. (:
too much photos to be uploaded. prom, sj's party and omella's party. shall upload all when i'm free. (:
gonna be off to get back some stuff and heading off for job interview. will update if i had got the time tonight. (:
went to the whin tai building with leona and meilin but it wasn't open as it was sunday. so stupid of us. haha.
walked to wheelock to find damian. went coffeebean, had sunrise and cheesecake. sat there and rest.
continued with job hunting and walk-in interview.
weiming and friends came to find us. after that went down to amk hub ntuc to get steamboat and bbq stuff for zy's stay-over. shopped for 2 hours plus acting like some aunties and taitais. hahaha.
after that the guys went zy's house while the rest of us went our way and headed home.
home sweet home.
zy's house stay-over tomorrow. ((:
i'm missing someone i shouldn't.
was up late for training cause the previous night turn in late again. haha.
got everything ready and went to pack food for friends. cabbed to school fetching charis on the way.
reached at around 11, played only one match cause training ends at 12. after that, walked to pj's house to get my stuff and pass her things.
headed to np for lunch, had sakura. ordered too much stuff till we couldn't finished. haha. ended up forcing ourseleves to eat. luckily adrain was there, he had got such a big stomach. haha
went walking about np looking for birthday cards cause going for a birthday party later on. started playing and fooling around in one shop and the damn auntie was seriously pissed. haha. brought a card,went for a drink and home sweet home.
home at 2.30 and i'm suppose to meet friends at 2.45. packed my bag and rushed. cabbed with my sister, letting her down at cc. reached at around 3 plus. but i wasn't the latest. some other was later then i am. haha
went to get shujian's present, waited for ishaq and darren and cabbed to sj's condo.
went for a swim after the other ntn reached cause we went separate ways. it was freezing cold in the water but still we had fun.
started bbq. but we didn't do much bbq-ing, all was done by jeremy and others. had a number of hotdog and chicken wing, headed upstairs with omella to change. told them we will be down soon but eventually we went watching tv. haha.
went down after some time. mrs lam was there, with her little boy. he's so cute. throwing almost everything he could. after emptying the ice, he went to empty the satay sticks in the bin. haha.
went back upstairs after that. omella, pj and leona started their 'fight'. haha. so funny. soon after, the rest came up expect for shujian and kenneth cause we were going to surprise him.
a few dumb things happened such as burning of hair, knocking into the sliding door and knocking into some shelf. haha.
some time later, like finally, he was up. sang him a birthday songs, cut cake, he gave his 'speech', ate and home sweet home.
got a really hard time getting a cab. all was hired. accompany mrs lam and her son to get their cab before we got ours. lala went off followed by darrell, charis and i'm the last to alight. home at around 11 plus 12.
got things done and went to had the soup cooked by mum. (: watched tv, clean my nails and went on the phone.
meeting with kenny was cancelled. so, decided to stay at home cause having another bbq tomorrow.
going to get lala's birthday present soon, her birthday is coming! maybe tomorrow. (: town before heading for bbq.
gonna stay home today and rest. (:
it's painful when someone turn their back on you, it indeed was.
i'll never know, never.
went for badminton training in school. had a bad fall, injured my ankle and elbow. stupid junhan keep laughing like hell. haha. but after all, not very badly injured. or else i won't be able to wear my heels for prom night.
went home and took a nap. up at around 3 and went off to get ready. packed everything and headed to leona's house. got a pretty hard time searching. haha.
her mum had our hair done up. makeup and went off to get leona's camera stuff at the market. after that, cabbed to pj's house.
reached, changed and touched up.
met lina and we all cabbed down to furama hotel. was there pretty late. everyone look so different. (:
photos will be up soon. (:
video clip done by the school was touching, some teared. it's a pretty sad thing to know that we're leaving the school. ): i miss school, my friends and lots of things we did. be it stupid, silly or childish, i'll miss them all, all. (:
took lots of photos after the night. but it's a sad thing some wasn't there. )):
cabbed to explanade cause no more train in service. walked and talked. after that all cabbed back home.
met yang and friends for a while and they sended me home. reached at around 2 plus 3. tiring day. did lots of stuff before heading for bed. (:
woken up by adrian's call. asking if i wanna go out. but i'm tired so i didn't went. after that, charis's called. it's because of adrian again! asking me to go vivo with him. but still, i didn't went. haha. super tired.
slept for almost the whole day. haha. (: replenishing energy for upcoming event. (:
it's sad you wasn't there.
i'm seriously confused, seriously.
went out to meet charis, packed food, brought another bottle of hair dye and headed home. just before we enter the lift, charis mum called so she went off.
my brother helped me dyed my hair while i helped him in the end. i did a pretty good job but not his. the colour wasn't nicely spread. perhaps my hair is too thick. hahaha.
it was like finally my whole family was home today. (: kind of surprising but yet happy. haha
went grand's house for dinner like for after so many many months. after dinner, went to the room to play with the cousin while chit chatting on the phone.
both pri 2 & 3 attacking a sec 2. she's such a poor thing so i join in the fun and help. it's so much fun doing childish things at times. (:
there came the smallest of us all, she so cute. the way she said 'apple' and 'banana' just make me laugh. hahaha.
home sweet home
charis came over to my house at around 1 before we left for the salon. got my hair dyed nicely. (:
headed to northpoint to get some stuff, brought waffle and went charis house.
tried makeup and stuff and did many stuff. including teaching charis's brother math. haha. like some kind of tutor but a lousy one. ahaha.
charis mum was back and she told us lots of stuff. so, just sat and listen. cabbed home at around 9 plus.
home sweet home
PROM NIGHT today! ((:
woke up at around 7 cause of some reason. decided to used the lappy since it was still very early for badminton training.
people should be sleeping to keep themselves pretty but i just can't sleep. ahaha. maybe too excited or what so ever. had been turning on the bed for the night. just can't seems to sleep. hahaha
training in school. (: loved, finally after some time. gonna play a little for some fun but at the same time not gonna tired myself out. haha
gonna update when i'm free. (:
i love NTN, i love NTN && TG too. ((:
it had been so long.
yet, i still miss you.
met charis at my bus stop and went off to have my haircut. after that, went off to charis's house to have my hair dyed.
left charis's house at around 3 plus. she headed to town to find her mum while i went home. had lunch and used the lappy.
colour wasn't very obvious so i decided to dyed it again at night. hopefully it can be seen after the second attempt. haha
charis haven upload the photos so gonna keep waiting. she had been busy lately. hahaha.
went grandparent's house for dinner like finally. hasn't been there for months.
had dinner and went to the room to play with the cousin while chit chatting on the phone.
both primary 2 &3 cousin keep attacking the sec 2 one. so damn poor thing so i went to join in the fun and helped. haha.
there came the smallest. she's so damn cute. the way she said 'apple' and 'banana' is so damn funny. can't help laughing at her. haha.
it's so much fun playing with them. ((:
i'm confused
briefing was pretty tiring, not like some kind of briefing that's held in the office with air-con. we moved about to get a rough idea of where we were going to be station at and what's gonna happened. & i forgot to mention, the briefing is for a one day job helping out at national stadium. (:
today was fun but tiring cause of the sun and the 2 hours sleep i had. aha.
woke up at the time when i was suppose to meet them and was running late. cab down to kahtib mrt station to find them but eventually yongsoon, houwen and ernest broaded the cab and down to kallang mac we went while the rest sat train. it was about a 15 min ride and we reached 45min before the reporting time. so, we slacked.
work started. most of the guys and some girls tent the game stall while leona, peijie, charis and i were road marshall. went to get ourselves station at the road cause there's a walk and we were suppose to direct them.
it was pretty sunny and it's really boring. they reached our side only at around 10. as pj, charis and i were next to each other, we gathered together and sat at the roadside taking photos. (: so much fun and passby keep looking at us like some kind of weirdo. haha. photos will be up till charis upload them.
back to mac at around 11 plus for food. waited for things to be done and told and it ended.
bused to kallang mrt station and the rest of the ntn went for some stuff and the boys for some gaming while i headed home with ishaq.
bathe and got everything done and went to SLEEP.
up and awake at 9 and had dinner. everyone was out and i'm home alone. pretty peaceful but bored as well.
cutting and dyeing my hair tomorrow. ((:
someone told me, if one can't sleep, they may be thinking too much. am i then?
keeping it inside is killing me.
wanted to stay at home after so many days out but eventually still went out again. haha.
went bugis with omella and charis. went walking about searching for prom dress but to no avail.
went back yishun at around 7 with owen joining us after his RP event.
went buying makeup and stuff from watson and home sweet home.
Happy 18th Birthday, Brother! hahaha. (:
went orchard with omella, charis and regina. princess regina could not get up so we wait for her while having our breakfast.
trained down to orchard and went far east. went walking about helping them find dress but not much suitable dress found. & i brought a shorts. haha
decided to look for shengyang. so we trained to city hall and went suntec to find him. brought my heels at charles and keith on the way there. he's working at secret recipe so we went to give him our support. hahaha. we bunched there. (:
after that, went marina square for shopping again. (:
bused back to yishun at around 5 plus 6.took neoprints and went home.
great day! it has been so long since we badminton girls get together. (:
badminton training at yishun stadium. went yishun stadium for 45min and went back to np. haha. kind of wasting time.
got my nail polish and headed home.
homed for the whole day.
Happy 18th Birthday, Aidan and Alwyn! (:
went vivo with leona, meilin, peijie and jiali. had so much fun. haha. shop the whole place and had ljs after that at the skypark. played at the so called pool. photo will be up soon. (:
after that, went orchard for further shopping. pj got her dress at topshop but sadden it's a little spoilt. went walking about orchard till 9 plus then we headed home.
leg tired like hell. walked for 10 hour plus and orchard tomorrow again. haha. really a shopping week. prom is next tuesday and there's not much time left. so gonna get all our things as fast as possible.
went off to meet regina and yang at 2oo plus mac at midnight. chit chatted a little and some unpleasant things happened. yang and regina went home while i went to find kevin they all. chit chatted till around 1 plus and went home.
crap is all you speak, trouble is all you find, bullshitting is all you know, a fool wannabe and a successful one you will be.
was up pretty early looking forward to the trip to suntec but eventually charis could not make it. ):
went for steamboat with the guys in the end. reached marina bay at around 4 plus 5. so headed to played counterstrike as it was still early. watching people play was actually quite fun, esp leona. haha.
steamboat dinner at around 5 plus 6. fun and full. ahaha. some guys got to go off first so we ended dinner early. they went back yishun while leona and i went orchard.
when shopping around. &&& i got my dress. hahaha. (:
continue walking after almost all the mall was closed cause we planned to catch the last train for not wanting to get a packed train. ran all the way to the station, got in the last train and got out again. cause regina haven reached. yea, we planned to meet and go home together as she just finished work.
eventually, we thought we miss the last train. but, we got in the last train that terminated at kranji in the end. the previous one was at jurong east. haha. we were still dumb enough to run. hahaha.
home at around 1 plus. showered and got everything done and headed to bed. can't sleep at all, for some reason i just can't seems to shut my brain. maybe i overworked it. haha. & i'm having headache again! damn.
fell aslept only at around 5.
woke up at 9, was suppose to meet them at 9.30 for soccer match but was up late. so had the time changed to 10.
after that a gym section at yishun stadium with some friends and shopping at vivo with regina. haha.
a pretty long day ahead, i guess i'll be damn tired after the day. haha
everything that i'm holding is everything that i can't let go.
slept only at 5 yesterday and got up at around 2. maybe that's the reason why it ain't as boring as it should be. cause the day is shorter, i guess. ahaha. so much like crap.
well, got myself glue to the lappy for a few hours. that kills time. thought i'm at the same page most of time. but it's better then sitting around, staring into the thin air and daydream of what's so not gonna happen. haha.
i need to find some movie to watch or some drama or what so ever, soon. or i'll soon get bored staring in the same screen for hours for days. (: haha
girl love boy.
last paper! finally it's over. mcq paper was alright. considered easy. that's quite a pleasure thing to hear, yea? haha.
a great day out today with ntn and tg but some wasn't present. someday out together again soon, with all around! that makes up gays. (:
watched movie and had our late dinner at pastamania. home at around 11 plus 12.
curlycurly pj and omella. it's nice. (:
photos will be up when i got them. (:
& headache is killing me. no even panadol extra do much help. DAMN.
if it's foe you want to be, be it.
standing by, looking.
there's all i will do.
think i'm gonna stay at home i guess. unless or otherwise. maybe some last minutes meeting, which i hope there will be. hahaha. or i'll be bored to death at home.
let's wait and see. (:
spend my saturday(03november) watching tv though i knew the fact that i have to study for my ss. haha. read and read. but, it just don't seems to get in so i went for long long break. & became a lazy ass. ahaha. lay around not even aware of what i had done. haha.
sunday(04november) was spend eating. haha. cause mum brought back lots of food. bored so went chewing off. got really started with ss only at night.
so, i didn't sleep a wink for the night. concentrated on good governance after hearing from some friends that venice won't be out.
got ready and headed for school at around 6. damn nice weather, made me felt kind of sleepy. so, went to get red bull to keep myself awake for fear of falling asleep for the paper.
reached and continue recapping.
at the very moment i open the paper, super disappointed. venice was out and the was no sight of good governance. other question was a total stranger to me. so, eventually, i did the rise for venice only. cause i only studied the rise for it and stopped cause i heard it won't be out.
so mad at myself, seriously mad. damn it. well, forget it. i had only myself to blame.
home. can't sleep probably due to the red bull i drank. so, went watching some drama till 3pm then went for my sleep. i was awake for 20 hours. it was kind of surprising upon knowing. hahahaha.
last paper tomorrow! mcq for science and it's the end. (: & it's out to town tomorrow. ((: finally after so long. hahaha
i'm happy~
things change.
& it won't be the same as it use to be in time to come.
but i'm great that i once met you.
all shall be left unsaid, kept inside.
it's 4 in the morning and i'm still up and awake.
i'm thinking..
2 more paper and it's over. yea, o's is over in 4 more days for me and it's gonna be time for some fun. (:
bio paper today was easy. but, sad to say i didn't study. it's easy as compared to previous year. damn, how i hope i read that page before the paper. it's too late.
went to school at around 11 planning to study. but, not much went in as it was pretty dry. can't help fooling around, entertaining myself. haha
after exam, cabbed down to yishun stadium to find them. it has been some time since i last played. relaxed but was a little pissed with the skills of mine. it sucks. hahahaha.
training finished and coach drove us to northpoint. played with his dvd player in the car and he blasted songs. haha. it's hell lot fun with them. (:
dinner at foodcourt with regina, charis and yang. it was still early thus we went walking. ended up at nee soon cc hall with kidergarten ceremony going on. hahaha. it was boredom and we went off before it started in the end. walked home after that.
a number of event coming up after o's. ahahaha. there's gonna be shopping, prom, gays outting, ntn chalet, class chalet, badminton camp, probably pub-ing and working. just can't wait, just can't wait. ahahaha. (:
it's social studies paper on monday and i'm not gonna risk again. history ain't gonna repeat. hahaha. making it 4 chapters instead of 2 chapters this time round. (:
many things has been happening recently and it's so complex. i really don't understand why. i really don't.
who don't talk behind people back? everyone does, agree? it's not considered as backstabbing because people said it with a nicer word- gossiping. & who don't gossip then? so, what's with the thing about badmouthing and finding problems with that. don't you people do that too?
reason for all those f* that's happening lays with jealously.
& don't blame it all on one, check oneself.
& if one isn't offended, it won't bite.
it's over, it's over.
it's really over and i knew it.
treat me like what you want us to be. (:
didn't sleep the night before. was busy handling the damn art. packed my stuff and left home at 6 for school.
got my energy drink and went to meet charis. she could actually forget to bring her curve ruler. it really sets me thinking how she did that for such an important exam. so, she went calling almost everyone early in the morning when they were still asleep. but, sad to say, no one has it. but she was lucky enough cause mr yong has it.
did prep work and recap a little on math paper two. math paper was alright. but there wasn't enough time. damn it, i threw away 23 marks. damn, damn, damn.
after paper, continue with art for the next 3 hours but still i did not finish the prep. there goes my paper. it's screwed up.
art is nice, but seriously, it required a great amount of time. though it's a subject that isn't needed to study, it required us to think and draw, which means work. it we can't do that, then it's gonna be gone as well. art isn't as easy as it was said to be. here's an advise for those who are taking art- work first, there isn't enough tomorrow for you to take your time. i regretted.
was a few min late for paper. but, luckily they haven started. paper 1 was daunting. i spent so long thinking till i'm only left with 1 hour to write. so, it's screwed. paper two was alright, considered easy.
after paper, headed off to np for lunch at mac. saw yiguang with friend. then omella started talking about the past. maybe she was right, maybe she wasn't. but, her words sets me thinking for almost the whole day. am i denying the fact that i'm... well, forget it.
it sucks big time getting moody.
home at around 2. told leona i'll be meeting her at 3.30 at kahtib cc but i fell asleep and reached at around 5. lots of people were there today. haha.
moved to the outside of the cc cause it was cold. it seems so hard to study bio, i'm so not interested in it at all. ):
jem started his jennifer's jokes and kisses. haha.
stay till around 10 plus 11, all went off except meilin and her sis. leona and i went home while the boys went for their dinner.
cabbed home. chit chatted with my sister. she's the only one that's free to listen to me. haha.
no paper today. (: but, i'm going to school to find leona and study. after that to somewhere else.
& it's bio paper tomorrow and i hate it. haha
shall update tonight if i got a chance to touch the lappy.
why fake that smile that's long gone?
it's getting harder to leave you out of my life.
but i know i should.